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TLA 500, DASNT & DASXP Logic Analyzers (IA supported)

Tektronix, Inc.

Type :
Last Update:

Embedded Intel Architecture SX
Logic Analyzer
3/17/97 2:05:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

Tektronix has pioneered the concept of Enterprise Instrumentation for digital systems test. Enterprise Instrumentation is a set of shared hardware and software resources that enable real-time embedded software developers to get products to market much faster.
The TLA 510 and TLA 520 were developed to address the evolving needs of today's digital system developers. The TLA will provide you with powerful analysis tools for your most complex high-level software debug, hardware/soft-ware integration, high speed timing, or software performance analysis problems.
Protect your Investment with PowerFlex:
Because capital budgets are limited but performance needs are not, Tektronix introduces PowerFlex, a new concept in Test and measurement products that protects your investment. PowerFlex allows you to purchase the performance you need today, then easily and economically upgrade to more performance in the future.
Enhance Your Software Debug Arsenal:
In a number of ways, the TLA can help you get your product to market quicker and with higher quality. Detect the cause of software crashes by triggering on a bus fault, time-out or any other complex combination or sequence of software or hard-ware events. Solve intermittent problems with TLA¦s deep memory capability and powerful triggering. Use LA-Browser to view the actual execution of code in the high-level language it was written in. The TLA compliments your on-board debugger and enables you to debug the operation of software more effectively by providing deep real-time trace and hardware breakpoints.
If you need additional performance out of your system, you can either add faster, more expensive hardware to your design or optimize the software to maximize performance. Optional Performance Analysis software provides you a quick and easy way to determine where your code is spending its time and which optimizations will provide the most results.

Tool Features:

  • Real-time Trace of Embedded Systems

  • Provides Hardware Breakpoints for Your Debugger

  • Off-Line Analysis Software

  • High-Level-Language Source Code Trace Capability

  • Software Performance Analysis

  • 100 MHz Synchronous Acquisition

  • Trace Depths Available to 2M Bus Cycles

  • Trace Up to 10 Processors Simultaneously

  • Timing Analysis on All Channels Through Same Probe Adapter

  • Operate From Standalone X-Terminal or From a Workstation or PC

  • Development Platform(s):

    Not Applicable

    File Attachments:

    P177.PDF - Solutions IA Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80386SX - 100ldPQFP
    80486SX - 168ldPGA
    80486SX - 196ldPQFP
    80486SX - 208ldSQFP
    80486SXSF - 176TQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Tektronix, Inc.

    26600 SW Parkway, PO Box 1000
    Wilsonville , OR 97070-1000
    (503) 682-3411

    Fax : (503) 627-2009
    Toll Free : (800) 835-9433
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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